The birth date number is the sum of your birth date numbers and explains the nature of your existence. The birth date number is also called psychic number and ruling number. It is the best place to start for a better understanding of yourself through numerology.

Example: 23 = 2 + 3 = 5 , 10 = 1 + 0 = 1

The birth date number meaning indicates compatibility, harmonics and affiliate number of people. It also indicates your lucky dates, months, days, colours and harmonic numbers.

Numerology and astrology deals with the nine major planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars and their characteristic features. Each one of these nine planets is assigned numbers ranging from 1 to 9, depending on which planet vibrates to which number.

Numbers from your birth date and name could be different. Birth number is given more importance than Name number and it is advisable in numerology that you choose a name that is in harmony with your birth date number except for birth number 4 and 8.

Click to know about lucky number 1

Click to know about lucky number 2

Click to know about lucky number 3

Click to know about lucky number 4

Click to know about lucky number 5

Click to know about lucky number 6

Click to know about lucky number 7

Click to know about lucky number 8

Click to know about lucky number 9

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